We have a custom WMTS source which we want to show on Android and iOS. What would be my options to do this using native APIs (so no Leaflet or Open Layers)?
An ideal API not only shows the maps but can also handle the interaction with a map (panning, pinch zoom, detecting clicks etc.). It should also offer us a way to draw figures, images and text on top of the map.
I've tried searching for it online and so far I have come up with Google Maps and ArcGIS. Does anyone know any other native APIs, preferably open source or with a flexible license.
An ideal API not only shows the maps but can also handle the interaction with a map (panning, pinch zoom, detecting clicks etc.). It should also offer us a way to draw figures, images and text on top of the map.
I've tried searching for it online and so far I have come up with Google Maps and ArcGIS. Does anyone know any other native APIs, preferably open source or with a flexible license.