Algorithm for re-numbering duplicate feature IDs based on distance along line (PyQGIS

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I've got something working for QGIS 2.8 using Python 2.7 on Windows 7, but I am missing an important part of the puzzle. I'm trying to develop an algorithm to number homes. I've now come to a point where some neighbors have a duplicate house number. For this reason, I've come with a python script that successfully increments the numbers by two (to keep numbers odd or even), depending on the number of duplicates (n-1 for n duplicates, so that exactly one gets to keep the original number). I'm dealing with a metric numbering system, where the house number corresponds with a distance of the home along the road it belongs to.

Starting with this dictionary, where the keys are feature IDs and the values are the concatenated homeNumber_roadNumber:

Deca_dict = { "1": "2_506", "2": "2_506", "3": "2_506", "4": "2_600", "5": "1_650", "6": "2_600" } I counted the number of occurrences and kept track of the original number i'm interested in incrementing:

decaAdd_occurrences = {k: (int(k.split('_')[0]), v) for k,v in Counter(Deca_dict.values()).items()} With the help of a Stack Overflow answer, I adapted my needs and got here:

I adapted the answer's code like so:

changed_deca_dict = {} alpha_deca_dict = {} for key, value in Deca_dict.items(): num, cnt = decaAdd_occurrences[value] if cnt > 1: route = value.split('_')[1] next_num = num + 1 next_add = str(next_num) + '_' + str(route) if not next_add in Deca_dict.values(): Deca_dict[key] = '{}_{}'.format(next_num, route) decaAdd_occurrences[value] = next_num, cnt-1 changed_deca_dict[key] = '{}_{}_{}'.format(num, next_num, route) else: alpha_deca_dict[key] = value This gives me the resulting dictionaries:

Deca_dict -> { "1": "3_506", "2": "2_506", "3": "4_506", "4": "3_600", "5": "1_650", "6": "2_600" } changed_deca_dict = {'1':'2_3_506', '3':'2_4_506','4':'2_3_600'} I have another dictionary with the same keys and their distances along an axis (the order in which I'm trying to number these values)

distance_dict = {'3': 1.0,'1': 2.2,'2': 3.1,'4': 2.0,'5': 1.5,'6': 3.0} This is the result I would like, re-numbering the duplicate values taking into account the distances of each feature on it's line. Since features 1, 2, and 3 are on the same road, I would re-number the duplicates taking into account their distances along the road. Same for features 4 and 6.

Deca_dict -> { "1": "3_506", "2": "4_506", "3": "2_506", "4": "2_600", "5": "1_650", "6": "3_600" } I saw this other thread, which shows how to sort features by a particular field. I'm not sure how to work it in. I'm trying to start by grouping the keys by similar values. I don't want the whole value compared, so this is what I have so far:

for deca_key, deca_value in changed_deca_dict: old_num = value.split('_')[0] new_num = value.split('')1 route = value.split('')2 old_add = str(old_num) + str(route) for dist_key, dist_value in distance_dict: if dist_key == deca_key: check the distance and compare with other Deca_dict.items(), including the one that didn't change re-order new_num according to distance along route
