Adding new records to attachment match table from select number of features from feat

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I am seeking some ArcPy/Python help. I use the mobile app GIS Pro to collect data in the field, which allows me to export shapefiles containing a field called Photos, containing a list of names of photos associated with each feature. The list appears like this:

I am trying to create a tool that will

  1. Import the shapefile into a project geodatabase
  2. Add the features from the shapefile to a "master feature class"
  3. Update an attachment match table to include the photos associated with the new features
  4. Add the new attachments
I am struggling with step 3. There needs to be a new entry in the match table for each photograph. The match table contains the fields REL_OBJECTID & ATT_NAME. The REL_OBJECTID needs to coincide with the OID assigned to the feature after it has been merged into the "master feature class". I hope I have provided sufficient information, thank you for any assistance.
