Adding links to sections in Story Map Journal

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The Story Map Journal is one of the more popular Story Map templates, ideal for creating multimedia stories that combine text, maps, images, and video, especially when you have lots of text or a rich array of content.

The Map Journal is organized into sections, beginning with the home section and continuing in sequence until the end of the Journal. Internally, the sections are indexed beginning with 0 (zero) for the Home section, and numbered in sequence thereafter. In other words, the fifth section is internally indexed as 4.

You can create links from text in the side panel that will jump to a specific section. This can be useful if you want to create a table of contents, or otherwise want to provide the ability to jump to a specific section.

The required markup is documented on GitHub. You may need to modify the markup to suit your specific needs, and can use the Map Journal builder to add styling such as font size and color once the markup is added to your text. You’ll need a basic understanding of HTML to create the desired links.

To add the markup, in builder mode edit the desired section:

Next, click the Source button to display the HTML source:

Insert the desired markup, using the HTML shown on the GitHub repo as your guide:

Make any additional changes to the linked text using markup or builder options. To exit Source mode click the Source button again.

The following Story Map is an example of using section links to provide jumps to specific sections; click any of the city links on the Home section.

For more information:
