How to add QGIS Server WMS layer to GeoExt template (OpenGeoSuite SDK)? I use next code, but unsuccessful display layer
qgis: { ptype: "gxp_wmssource", url: "http://localhost/cgi-bin/qgis_mapserv.fcgi", title: "Local QGIS MapServer", version:"1.1.1" }, { source: "qgis", title: "QGIS Server Layer", map: "/home/hast/UA/qgis-mapnik.qgs", layers: "buildings", opacity: 1, group: "overlays" } I didn't find any information about it.... I will be appreciate for any help. Thank you in advance!
qgis: { ptype: "gxp_wmssource", url: "http://localhost/cgi-bin/qgis_mapserv.fcgi", title: "Local QGIS MapServer", version:"1.1.1" }, { source: "qgis", title: "QGIS Server Layer", map: "/home/hast/UA/qgis-mapnik.qgs", layers: "buildings", opacity: 1, group: "overlays" } I didn't find any information about it.... I will be appreciate for any help. Thank you in advance!