I'm an iOS programmer but new to using ArcGIS 10.1. I'm having a problem loading my MicroStation dgn file to ArcCatalog. I've connected the folder containing my MicroStation V8i roadway design dgn to the Catalog Tree and tried to define a spatial reference as described in the ArcGIS 10.1 Resource Center. When previewed, the drawing looks like a small blob that I can't zoom or view. I'm stuck to determine what the problem is. I'd think that the drawing should display in full as read only. If anyone as any suggestions I'd greatly appreciate some direction here.
Overall, I hope to overlay the dgn (drawing) over one of ArcGIS' basemaps.
I can supply any information about my dgn or setup in ArcCatalog upon request. Thanks in advance for your time.
*Here's a screenshot of how the preview of the drawing looks.
(https://www.dropbox.com/lightbox/home/Photos/Sample Album)
I think the blob on the right hand side is the drawing but I can't be sure what's all there because I can't zoom in to see it better.
Overall, I hope to overlay the dgn (drawing) over one of ArcGIS' basemaps.
I can supply any information about my dgn or setup in ArcCatalog upon request. Thanks in advance for your time.
*Here's a screenshot of how the preview of the drawing looks.
(https://www.dropbox.com/lightbox/home/Photos/Sample Album)
I think the blob on the right hand side is the drawing but I can't be sure what's all there because I can't zoom in to see it better.