Add custom CRS - 2.2.0 Valmiera

المشرف العام

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i've builded a custom proj.4 library, tested it by command line (proj and cs2cs) and with postgres/postgis. All works fine.

Now i'm trying to make the same with Qgis 2.2.0.I've replaced the original proj.dll, cs2sc.exe, geod.exe, nad2bin.exe, proj.exe with my customs, in my /OSGeo4W/bin folder.

in Qgis: "settings/custom CRS" + "Add new CRS" in the "parameters" i've copied the same string as for other tests as '+proj=mercxx +ellps=intl +units=m +datum=WGS84 +no_defs' (without quotes)

in 'name' field i've wrote...almost everthing my keyboard can write... even the default 'new CSR'the result is always the same when i hit "OK" : "the proj4 definition of 'mercxx' is not valid.

let me know where i'm wrong, please.

