Not sure if this qualifies as an info graphic, but it's not a map so I guess this is the best place for it.
At the SGC we always struggle with getting researchers to understand the issues involved with the differences between accuracy and precision; as well as false precision with too many decimal paces in a coordinate; and understanding why we don't measure in geographic coordinates.
This single page graphic is my attempt to provide a quick reference or cheat sheet for those issues in GIS. I found a few simialr sheets around online but nothing that put it all together.
Let me know what you think. This is not a primer on projections and coordinate systems, that graphic is still under development!
Attached Thumbnails
At the SGC we always struggle with getting researchers to understand the issues involved with the differences between accuracy and precision; as well as false precision with too many decimal paces in a coordinate; and understanding why we don't measure in geographic coordinates.
This single page graphic is my attempt to provide a quick reference or cheat sheet for those issues in GIS. I found a few simialr sheets around online but nothing that put it all together.
Let me know what you think. This is not a primer on projections and coordinate systems, that graphic is still under development!
Attached Thumbnails