A QGIS Clip Show

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In light of our announcement of support and interoperability for QGIS 2.8.2 with our OpenGeo Suite, it’s a good opportunity to look back at highlights of past posts to remind existing users of past tips and demonstrate to new users the power of QGIS.

  • In our most recent post, Anthony Calamito highlights 10 different examples how QGIS can serve the majority of analysts’ needs at significant savings
  • Victor Olaya provided a preview of the MGRS plugin we announced with 2.8.2 support
  • Aaron Miller provided a real-life case study demonstrating how QGIS can assist with supply chain intelligence
  • We provided a 4-part series comparing QGIS to Esri ArcGIS, including visualization, cartography (my personal favorite – Halloween map!), editing, and analysis
  • Victor Olaya also described OpenGeo Explorer, our plugin to help users configure and manage OpenGeo Suite
At risk of stating the obvious, we’re huge believers in QGIS here. We’re seeing firsthand QGIS capture market share. We’re seeing QGIS growing at a rapid pace in adoption by academia, creating entire generations of users. I’d also like to give a tip of the cap to the QGIS community, the most vibrant and self-sustaining of all open source GIS communities. Boundless is committed to supporting and continuing to build on QGIS capabilities, and we welcome any questions about our capabilities.

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