A “Neogeographical Education”? The Geospatial Web, GIS and Digital Art in Adult Educa

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To understand neogeography, the basics of science of geography plays a key role. A linkage between science of geography and digital art are a relationship provided by neogeography. As explained by Fivos Papadimitriou, neogeography encompasses the traditional ideas of geography while also participating in newer ideas such as a variety of personal, intuitive, absurd or artistic explorations and representations of geographical space. With the help of neogeography there is a new outlook on what is going on beyond the traditional geography, the perspective now demonstrates a larger view on spacial experiences through a digital cartography. Although neorogeography has been an idea from middle 1990's it's techniques were not very popular. It was not until recently that neorogeography became a questionable notion in relation to its impact on geographical education. Along with considering neorogeography, Papadimitriou assesses the Geospatial Web and digital art and their impact in geographical education. From one outlook, neogeography allows for individuals to interpret the historical and cultural dimensions of the enrichment of geography. Meanwhile there are those who would argue that using neogeography and Geospatial Web will lead to the end of GIS workers to amateurs who can now photograph and upload their own pictures on the web. Now the goal is to continue to create more advanced technology to make GIS workers job easier and widespread.
