$20,000 for OpenStreetMap Infrastructure

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة

We’re supporting the OpenStreetMap Foundation’s £56,000 funding drive with $20,000. Together with other contributions, 90% of the fundraising target has been met at this point. Help grow OpenStreetMap and pitch in!

The £56,000 go straight to improvements and upgrades for core database servers, rendering servers, imagery servers, and other hardware.

The OpenStreetMap Foundation’s Operations Working Group has been doing an incredible job growing the project’s server infrastructure over the years supporting OpenStreetMap’s growth. Just take a look at Grant Slater’s talk at this year’s state of the Map US to get a peek behind the curtains at how critical infrastructure is being continuously improved as traffic and data volume grow.

Contributing money to this funding drive is one of the most straightforward ways to supporting the growth of OpenStreetMap. Head over to the fundraising web site to find out more about the planned upgrades and details about the budget.
