11.000 Geo-Scientists in Vienna

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة
The catalog of presentations has the volume of a city wide phone directory, the number of posters presented is too high to hang each single one longer than a day, the schedule so tight that even the holiday of 1st o May will have a full day schedule from 8.30 am to 8pm:The "European GeoScience Union General Assembly 2014" from 27th of April until 2nd of May is in Vienna again and a masterpiece of conference-logistics.
Wherever so many Geo-Scientists gather, GIS is a topic of interest - though many questions deal with education, research, study and self-study and training. Therefor the focus of the Esri booth is literature about the software and the related disciplines from cartography to programming, analysis, modelling, ...The Esri Press Offering of books is drawing interest from visitors of at least 20 different countries every day.3 employees of SynerGIS plus a member of the Esri europe team are there - advise regarding suitable literarature and online sources, answer questions regarding software, licensing, functionality, new releases comming up, national partners in the countries and so forth ...It is interesting, challenging and very informative ... a great event!