10.2.6 Update for ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android is now available

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In keeping with our commitment to delivering great, high quality software in a timely fashion for you, our customers, we are happy to announce that the 10.2.6 update for ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android is ready and available!

This is a focused, minor update that addresses some key issues and enhances a few existing capabilities. It does not break your existing code or require you to re-factor or migrate your existing 10.2.5 applications.

In this update:

GPS and Location behavior enhancements

  • GPS indicator stays blue when location sensor is off, however it should turn grey. When no location updates are available (for example, when using device GPS only, and no GPS signal is available), GPS indicator in map will now use a grey symbol to indicate using last known location.
  • GPS indicator shows at 0,0 lat,long when GPS sensor is off. LocationDisplayManager can no longer be successfully started if all location settings are disabled on the device; in this case, warnings are logged in Android LogCat.
Sync resiliency enhancement

  • If network connections are interrupted prior to executing synchronizeReplica when synchronizing disconnected edits, the edits can no longer be synchronized and subsequent attempts are unsuccessful. A synchronizeReplica call that was interrupted during the synchronize process can now successfully be re-attempted using the same sync parameters.
Localization enhancement

  • Culture is now correctly set for Portal queries using the getBasemapGalleryGroupQuery, resulting in correctly localized responses.
…and a few other goodies. Enjoy! And stay engaged with the product team!