كفاءة التوزيع المكاني للخدمات المجتمعية (تعليمي- صحي- ترفيهي) في حي الغزالية في بغداد

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة
[h=1]كفاءة التوزيع المكاني للخدماتالمجتمعية (تعليمي- صحي- ترفيهي) في حي الغزالية في بغداد [/h]

رسالة تقدمت بها

ألاء طالب جودي الزبيدي

إلى مجلس كلية الآداب - الجامعة العراقية وهي جزء من متطلبات نيل درجة الماجستير آداب في الجغرافية


الاستاذ المساعد الدكتور

مثنى ناظم داود العبيدي

1442هـ - 2020م

من أجل وصول الدراسة إلى هدفها، فقد تم تقسيمها إلى أربعة فصول سبقتها مقدمة وتلتها الاستنتاجات والمقترحات، تناول الفصل الأول: مفاهيم الإدارة الحضرية والتنمية المكانية للمدن. أما الفصل الثاني فقد تناول مقومات المسرح الجغرافي لمدينة الفلوجة وتأثيرها على إدارة المدينة ومتطلبات تنميتها المكانية. أما الفصل الثالث: فقد جاء بعنوان تقييم أداء الإدارة الحضرية لمدينة الفلوجة وفق معايير التخطيط، وأخيرا الفصل الرابع تحت عنوان: إدارة التنمية المكانية في مدينة الفلوجة (سياسة الارتقاء واستراتيجية التطور).

The Efficiency of The Spatial Distribution of

Community Services In The Neighborhood of


Master Thesis Submitted By

Alaa Talib Joody Al-Zubaidi

To the Council of the College of Arts - Iraqi University، which is part of the requirements for obtaining a Master of Arts degree in Geography

Supervised by

Assist. Prof.
Dr. Muthanna Dawood Al-Obaidi

1442 A.H. Baghdad 2020 A.D.


((The efficiency of the spatial distribution of community services in the neighborhood of Ghazaliya))

The research deals with studying the efficiency of spatial distribution of community services (Educational - health - recreational)، In the Ghazaliya neighborhood and the adequacy of these services، depending on the number and spatial distribution of the population، In addition to the future need of the district for such services for the year 2038.

The study reached several important results، relying on some techniques of geographic information systems (GIS) and some statistical methods، This is in addition to the approved local planning standards that determine the individual's share of services.

The study included among its four chapters، the first is the theoretical framework of the study، the origin of the study area and the natural and human characteristics of the neighborhood. Through it the stages of the emergence of this region and the influence of the human factor on the emergence of the neighborhood. As for the second chapter، it included a detailed study of the current state of community services (Educational - health - recreational)، In the public quarter 2018، As it was limited to preparing these services and distributing them spatially at the level of the city's 10 stores. This was reinforced with tables and maps، As for the efficiency of these (community) services، The third semester has its share، as it uses the standard score as a statistical method to identify the number of stores in which community services increase and stores that lack these services. The closest neighbor technique was used in spatial analysis to distribute community services (Educational - health - recreational)، In the 2018 Ghazaliya neighborhood، It turned out that the distribution of primary and middle schools and health services (health centers)، And recreational services (parks and gardens)، It is close but random، meaning that it serves the study area، but unevenly، As for educational services represented in middle and secondary education and entertainment services represented in cafes، The distribution shows a Clustered convergence، This means random convergence distribution، It also does not serve the entire population properly or equally because it is approached by society in specific places. The results show that there are needs for these services، It further clarified the future need for the year 2038 in light of what is needed in the future population growth of the neighborhood.

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