كتاب انشاء تطبيقات اركجيس ويب وموبيل باستخدام جافا سكريبت Building Web and Mobile ArcGIS Server Applications with JavaScript


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كتاب انشاء تطبيقات اركجيس ويب وموبيل باستخدام جافا سكريبت Building Web and Mobile ArcGIS Server Applications with JavaScript​

كتاب انشاء تطبيقات اركجيس ويب وموبيل باستخدام جافا سكريبت Building Web and Mobile ArcGIS Server Applications with JavaScript
تحميل كتاب انشاء تطبيقات اركجيس ويب وموبيل باستخدام جافا سكريبت Building Web and Mobile ArcGIS Server Applications with JavaScript ، استكمالا لسلسلة تعلم نظم المعلومات الجغرافية Learn GIS، من تأليف Eric Pimpler & Mark Lewin.​

Introduction book Building Web and Mobile ArcGIS Server Applications with JavaScript

This e-book is an encyclopedia for Building Web and Mobile ArcGIS Server Applications with JavaScript, as it contains 14 main topics, these topics are divided into many sub-topics, all in 370 pages, and these some topics are covered in the book Building Web and Mobile ArcGIS Server Applications with JavaScript:-​

Integration with ArcGIS Online

ArcGIS Online is a website for working with maps and other types of geographic information. On this site, you will find applications for building and sharing maps.

You will also find useful basemaps, data, applications, and tools that you can view and use, as well as communities you can join. For application developers, the really exciting thing about ArcGIS Online is that you can integrate content created on that platform into your ArcGIS API for JavaScript applications. In this chapter, you'll see how to go about this.
In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:
  • Adding ArcGIS Online maps to your applications by using a webmap ID
  • Adding ArcGIS Online maps to your applications by using JSON
  • Practice time with ArcGIS Online

Creating Mobile Applications

The ArcGIS Server API for JavaScript provides support for mobile platforms. Support is currently provided for iOS, Android, and Blackberry operating systems. The API is integrated with Dojo Mobile. In this chapter, you'll learn about the compact build of the API, which makes web mapping applications possible on mobile devices. You can also use other popular frameworks, such as jQuery Mobile, Appcelerator, and PhoneGap for development and related tools such as Bootstrap for responsive web design, but we'll focus on Dojo Mobile in this chapter.

Keep in mind that these frameworks are not the same things as the ArcGIS API for iOS or Android, which is what you'd use to build native applications that can be made available through an App Store. JavaScript API applications are rendered through the mobile device's browser.
We'll also cover the topic of the geolocation API and how it can be integrated into your ArcGIS Server applications. The geolocation API is a part of HTML5 and is used to get the location of a mobile device.
In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:
  • Compact build of the API
  • Setting the viewport scale
  • Practice time with the compact build
  • Integrating the geolocation API
  • Practice time with the geolocation API

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