دورات GIS و RS بالقاهرة والمنيا والإمارات
GIS and RS Course
ArcGIS 9.3 و Erdase Imagine 9.2 و Global, PCI Geomatica
Mapper و Golden Surfer و Google Earth :ً
1- GIS
Building Geodatbase Georeferencing &Spatial Adjustment and Editor Toolbar Editing
process Topology Symbology
Importing Google Eareth images to ArcGIS Calculating area and measuring the distance
process Best Selection Arc Toolbox
Import and Export From and To “Raster and Feature”
Geocoding Spatial Analysis Spatio-Temporal Analysis Interpolation process
DEM analysis “Slop , Aspect, Contour,…”
Hydrological Analysis
Geostatistical Analyst Cluster Analysis Hot Spot Analysis Building Hazard Map
Model Builder in Arc GIS Customizing of ArcGIS building the interfaces and setting the codes of VB in ArcGIS Project Strategy in GIS
2- Remote Sensing
- Image Satellite and extracting the information
process Layer Stack Resolution Merge
Subset Images Spatial Enhancement Rectification
Rectification Mosaic Map Composition
filters and Enhancements and Geological Enhancement Supervised Classification Unsupervised Classification LULC Model Change Detection Topographical Analysis
in Erdase Imagine and PCI Geomatica Modeler
DEM and Global Mapper
Golden Surfer and spatial analysis Interpretation the outputs
حاليا في المنيا والقاهرة فقط لكن بعد 18 أكتوبر ستعقد خارج مصر ان شاء الله
تكاليف الدورة تحدد حسب المكان والأشخاص على سبيل المثال 8 أشخاص كافي جدا لعدم تعدى سعر الدورة 1000 جنيه فقط
Mohamed A. Nasef
Assistant Lecturer at Geography Department, Minia University, Egypt MSc in GIS, UNIGIS program, Salzburg University, Austria Visiting Scholar at Utah University,USA Instructor of GIS and RS techniques
Website: https://sites.google.com/site/nasefgis
Email: nasefgis@gmail.com
CellPhone at Egypt: 01004700345
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