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تحميل كتاب احتراف ارك جيس Mastering ArcGIS
تحميل كتاب احتراف ارك جيس Mastering ArcGIS
تحميل كتاب احتراف ارك جيس Mastering ArcGIS ، استكمالا لسلسلة تعلم نظم المعلومات الجغرافية Learn GIS نقدم لكم في هذه المقالة كتاب احتراف ارك جيس Mastering ArcGIS ، من تأليف Maribeth Price.
Introduction book Mastering ArcGIS
Introduction book Mastering ArcGIS
This e-book is an encyclopedia for Mastering ArcGIS, as it contains 10 main topics, these topics are divided into many sub-topics, all in 700 pages, and these some topics are covered in the book Mastering ArcGIS:-
Learning more about GIS
Learning more about GIS
As you work your way through this text, you will be amazed at all the things that a GIS can do. At times, the abundance of tasks and the flexibility of options may be overwhelming. Even so, this book gives only a bare introduction to what is possible and covers a small portion of what a GIS can do. Moreover, the industry evolves rapidly. Completing the lessons here is only the first step; you will find that you need to seek new information and training constantly as you develop your skills. How can you do this?
- Read the Help. Maybe you can figure out your cell phone without the manual, but if you ignore the Help files you are turning your back on a wealth of information. They don’t just have instructions for doing things but also discussions, diagrams, references, and other ways to help you understand the concepts behind GIS as well as its implementation.
- Use the Virtual Campus. ESRI has dozens of online courses and seminars to help you learn. Many of the basic ones are free. If your campus has a site license, the GIS administrator can request others for free as well. Talk to your GIS instructor about getting access to these courses.
- Build your GIS library. GIS integrates many disciplines, including geography, surveying, cartography, statistics, computer science, spatial statistics, and so on. The more you know of these disciplines, the more you will understand, not just the How of doing things but also the Why.
- Join a professional organization. Many professional societies cater to GIS and remote sensing. They have newsletters and journals, conferences, and lots of professionals who can help answer your questions and share their experiences.
- Join an online forum. ESRI has online forums for many aspects of GIS, as well as other useful links, at http://support.esri.com/en/. You can search for answers to questions, and if nothing is there, you can ask a question and generally someone will answer within a few days. It is a great place to go when you get stuck with no one else to ask. You will also learn about bugs and workarounds.
- Join ArcGIS Online. Not only is it easy and fun to create maps and share them, but you can also search for courses, documents, slideshows, videos, and other GIS-related materials.
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